Ranfurly Baton Rules-MWSS GOLF

Ranfurly Baton Rules

  1. Just like the Ranfurly Shield, the goal is to hold onto the batton, for as many challenges as possible.
  2. To challenge both players, Defenders and Challengers must be MWSS Members, with no less than 18 games (Blue Tag)
  3. You must play under an organization other than MWSS, and both have been members / employees / students etc. of said organization.
  4. The team members may change with each challenge, but rule 3 is still in effect
  5. The competition is Stableford teams, first score backed up by second.
  6. The challenger must give 24 hours notice of challenge, but Defender has the right to decline the challenge, no reason has to be given.
  7. The game can be played at any time, it doesn’t have to be a sanctioned MWSS. Event.
  8. The Batton must be at the match, and if the challenger wins, the batten is presented by the defender and must be celebrated at the time with a beverage.
  9. To be a Registered the win / defense. Within a week of the win, emailing the El Prez, CC the losers with following information, so it can be kept on record. If confused ring the El Prez.
  1. Date








Ferg & Scooner


Dowdy & Rat

9 & 8

  1. Engraving is done only when there is a new holder and the engraving is done by the NEW holder, you put your organizations Initials on as the holder and Add the number of defenses your predecessor’s organization had beside their initials above, to close that chapter of defenses.

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